The biggest and greatest Oracle Open World ever! OOW13 my personal view

Oracle HQThis year Oracle Open World was different. It started the week prior to the show at Oracle Headquarter. Why was that? Oracle Technology Network invited Oracle ACE Directors from all over the world to attend a briefing prior to OOW13, from all the Product Management teams including Thomas Kurian, Executive Vice President of Product Development. That briefing was under a Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) and that’s why all the tweets and communication during these 2 days was just about a few items that we were able to talk about.

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Oracle and a love story

Larry & Mark

We’re familiar with Oracle acquiring companies. We’ve heard so many over the last 5 years that we just read the press release and try to understand how that will impact our investment (if you’re a customer) or your business (if you’re a partner or work in the Oracle ecosystem).

June 2013 will be remembered as the biggest month for cloud partnerships in the history, probably short but good enough to bring “enemies” to “allies”.  It might sound too harsh the word enemy but let me take you a few years back and try to understand how this new partnership between these two giant companies can change your world.

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Collaborate 2013 – It’s a wrap

After four days, close to 1000 sessions, and a severe winter storm Collaborate 13 aka “Snowllaborate 13” still has not come to a close.

IT Convergence’s technical and functional experts are not delivering any session today, but our team has worked hard to bring the best of Collaborate to both those Oracle ERP end users who could make it to Denver and those who could not.

Collaborate 13 may be drawing to a close, but all that means is that we’ll have other opportunities to meet further down the road.

In the mean time, check out the complete Collaborate 13 thread on this blog and visit our Collaborate 13 Resources page if you have not already.

Follow Collaborate 13 as it happens. Click here to access the full stream of this blog’s Collaborate 13 conversation.

AROUG en Oracle Open World Latin America 2012

La primer semana de Diciembre 2012 como todos los años se desarrolló la versión latinoamericana del Oracle Open World y en este año se agregó Java One.

El evento marcó un hito para el grupo de usuarios Oracle de Argentina, ya que era la primer versión donde se participaba oficialmente como grupo de usuarios.

Más de 10,000 personas, durante 3 días pudieron tener acceso a nuevas soluciones y además poder hablar con expertos Oracle de todo el mundo.

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